Staff reduction carried out successfully.

Our HR experts support you.

We find the right HR professional for you free of charge.

Many people use the terms workforce transformation or reorganization.
We won’t beat about the bush: What is really meant by these terms is staff reduction.

Many companies are facing the need to reduce their workforce, and not just because of the pandemic. Digitalization and changes in business processes also lead companies to part with individual employees, close entire departments or relocate sites.

Take advantage of our HR consultants’ expertise: For strategic-tactical preparations and planning as well as for the operational implementation of measures, some of which are a matter of urgency.

One minute to explain outplacement consultancy

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Outplacement Consulting Beraterin stellt sich vor / Arbeitsrecht,Personalabbau

Do you suddenly have tasks like this on your agenda?

  • Develop a strategy and project plan for current staff reduction

  • Negotiate reconciliation of interests and social plan with the works council

  • Plan internal and external communication, prepare managers for separation talks

  • Ensure effectiveness of mass layoff notices

  • Prepare notices of termination/termination agreements in time

  • Follow-up on termination talks and reach agreements with employees

  • Control of the project and all stakeholders

This is why many choose our HR experts

Minimizing the risk

Our HR experts orchestrate all measures and stakeholders for you.
This includes stringent project management and the involvement of and communication with the works council, labour lawyers, the employment agency and external service providers.

On demand – just as you need it

Do you need an HR expert for all phases of the downsizing process or just for specific issues?
On-site at your company or virtually?
You simply lack the manpower for the operational implementation? No problem for us.

You have no risk

After your inquiry you will receive a free initial consultation.
Only you decide how to proceed afterwards.

Choose your preferred appointment now!

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